
A cartoon of the word ko in a comic book style.

Where do I know that voice from?

A cartoon of the word ko in a comic book style.

How to attract national media icons to support a totally unknown business
(for free!)

A cartoon of the word ko in a comic book style.

“Thanks Larry King and Ted Turner.â€

We created this initiative to introduce promising Charlotte NC start-ups and entrepreneurs to powerful industry backers . Call us to find out how?*

*(That’s right, you’ll just have to call us on the phone or say hello in person if you want to find out about our secret sauce?

What can we say, we’re just old fashioned that way!â€)

One Picture is worth a thousand words!
Helping A World Renown Business Leader Increase Message Impact To A global Audience.
A cartoon of the word ko in a comic book style.A cartoon of the word ko in a comic book style.

When the Chairman on The Council of Foreign Relations needed help improving the communications impact of the world’s leading foreign policy journal, he knew exactly who to call. Before KO Founder Owen Ryan walked out of his first meeting with Peter G. Peterson at The Council of Foreign Relations, he understood the problem the 100 year old publication faced.  Before the elevator hit the ground floor he had the solution.

“Please help protect us fromStarbucks”
Creation of a global Brand!
A cartoon of the word ko in a comic book style.

“Find out why the CEO of a leading Chinese beverage distributor, searching for imported non-alcoholic US beverages to blunt Starbucks growth in China, called Keith and Owen at KO Marketing, instead of the top dogs at PepsiCo or Coke.

From first briefing in North Carolina to having a new brand and formula bottled and ready to present at an international trade show in Shanghai, we created this brand in less than two weeks. Then, over the next year we gained full ownership of the DREAM GARDEN trademark.

Want to know how we did it? Pick up the phone and call us at (646) 812-5109.

(That’s right, you’ll just have to call us on the phone or say hello in person if you want want to find out about our secret sauce.)

What can we say, we’re just old-fashioned that way!

Who ya gonna call?
This Bud® isn’t for everybody!
A cartoon of the word ko in a comic book style.

Why did the CEO of a Fortune 500 Company with 2 global ad agencies, 3 PR firms, a billion dollar marketing budget and a zillion consultants, call us on a Saturday morning to ask for help. (From Trade advertising to employee communication initiatives to distributor and consumer outreach programs, we created and researched every element of this critical national crisis communication program for Anheuser-Busch.”

To find out why America’s leading brewery called us when they were in a pinch, you’ll have to sit down with us over a beer, or call us on the phone to say hello in person. What can we say, we’re just old-fashioned that way.

Is that success we smell!
Regional sock manufacturer competes against the big boys and wins!
A cartoon of the word ko in a comic book style.

This 80 year old family business needed help fast to maintain presence and build sales in Big Box retailers.
Our ideas provided the “kick†that was missing! Want to learn more?*

A cartoon of the word ko in a comic book style.

*(That’s right, you’ll just have to call us on the phone or say hello in person if you want to find out about our secret sauce?

What can we say, we’re just old fashioned that way!â€)

A cartoon of the word ko in a comic book style.